Miodrag MicajkovProf. D-r Miodrag Micajkov

President of the Supervisory Board

Ph.D. in Law
Professor and former Dean of the Faculty of Law “Justinian I”at Sts. Cyril and Methodius university in Skopje. President of the Board since 1998.

Bojan KralevskiBojancho Kralevski

Member of the Supervisory Board

B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering
Employed in Alkaloid AD Skopje. Member of the Board since 1998.

Lidija Sofrevska-AndonovaLidija Sofrevska-Andonova

Member of the Supervisory Board

Master's degree in Economics from St. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. Member of the Board since 2023.


In accordance with the laws in force in Republic of Macedonia and the Statute of the company, the Supervisory Board performs supervision on the operations of ALKALOID AD - Skopje, since 1998 when it is first established.

The members of the Supervisory Board meet regularly on annual level, in order to review the draft decisions of the Management Board that concern the operations of the company for the current year and to state its view whether the same should be accepted or rejected by the Assembly of shareholders of ALKALOID AD - Skopje.